Fagor Professional Blog | Trends and tips | Pop-up restaurants: What are they and why are they so successful?

Pop-up restaurants: What are they and why are they so successful?

Pop-up restaurants have become a trend in the culinary world in recent years. Just like pop-up shops, these are projects that only last for a specific period of time. They may last a few hours, a few days or a few months in specific locations or they may also be mobile.

The settings for these projects can be very varied, from classic catering establishments to houses, gastronomic and music festivals and even industrial premises. The approaches are also varied, ranging from chefs visiting other restaurants and serving a joint menu, restaurants offering only one dish for delivery, to chefs serving an exotic speciality only on a certain date.

To name just one recent renowned project, we could mention the pop-up project in Paris by Alain Ducasse and Albert Adriá We also find some temporary initiatives that appeared during the pandemic that have ended up becoming permanent.

Why are they so successful?

The idea behind these culinary proposals is that you have to be quick and attentive to social media because places are limited. In fact, access to some of them is difficult and often exclusive to certain VIP profiles.

Sometimes, entry is by means of a password sent to a phone, as if it were some sort of clandestine business. This experience is very entertaining and attractive for customers, as it makes them feel as if they are going on an «»adventure»» when in fact they are going out for lunch or dinner.

The foodie phenomenon has led to the public spending more and more time and money on culinary experiences, and this has fuelled the proliferation of these types of food and drink experiences away from the home.

How are they different from other gastronomic proposals?

Pop-ups tend to be very gourmet and refined. As they are events in a temporary kitchen, to simplify the cooking process, they tend to feature an à  la carte or set menu without the option for diners to choose the dishes.

Another big difference is that they usually offer a unique experience for diners. Customers feel special because they have the impression that they are doing something that cannot be repeated, unlike in conventional restaurants.

These types of gastronomic initiatives usually have stronger relationships with their audience through social networks and the Internet than permanent businesses usually have. They post photos or videos previewing the prep work or products, offer sign-ups and share a variety of content that contributes to creating a buzz around their culinary offering.

Are you thinking of setting up a pop-up gastronomic project? Contact us and we will be happy to help you with your business!

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