Fagor Industrial presents its new industrial laundry catalogue

Fagor Industrial presents its new industrial laundry catalogue which includes a wide variety of washer extractors and drying, folding and ironing solutions.
With this new launch, Fagor Industrial makes a leap forward in quality over the whole of its laundry range and completely renews its products in order to meet the demands of the market.
A completely renewed catalogue
● Washers: the models of the new generation combine the very latest technology with the highest quality components and materials. As a novelty, and a revolution in the sector, the new Touch Plus Control programmer is incorporated, making the task of programming easier for the user and delivering new characteristics and laundry management possibilities. Moreover, the washer extractor range includes new fast and standard spin models, making it one of the most complete ranges on the market. All the washer extractors are equipped with the latest advances in Wet Cleaning and in water, energy and chemical product saving systems, making efficiency and respect for the environment one of our best selling points.
● Dryers: the new dryers really are a revolution in the field of drying. The new designs have allowed for efficiency far superior to previous models and make them the most technologically advanced machines on the market. The dryers Heat Pump - "High Efficiency" and Green Evolution Plus stand out with their energy savings of 60% and 40% respectively. A wide variety of accessories and properties focused on making better use of energy and reducing drying time have been incorporated into the new models, such as our intelligent drying system with its humidity sensor (iDry), the double glazed doors, the radial-axial-front aeration system (Total Flow), the intelligent air recirculation (Green Flow System), and the heat insulation, among many others.
● Sanitary barrier washers: this type of machinery is intended for hospitals, residence homes and the pharmaceutical, cosmetics and nuclear industries, among others. They stand out for their robustness, high spin speed and easy installation, with capacities from 16 to 100 kg. The sanitary barrier included in this type of washer extractor is placed between two spaces as the only interconnection, thus avoiding contact between clean and dirty clothing and preventing any kind of re-contamination. The new Touch Plus Control programmer with its touch screen and advanced properties has been developed in conjunction with that of the front-loading washer extractors, and offers great flexibility to the user. It also includes an extra screen placed in the clean zone of the laundry room so that the washing process may be visualised.
● Wall ironers: Fagor Industrial presents a new range of wall ironers with a greater working width in the 50 cm roller range. Moreover, we offer a reduction of 25% in energy consumption and an increase of up to 25% in productivity in the gas models, over the whole range of ironers, thanks to their new radiant gas burner. The new range of wall ironers is perfect for small quantities of flat pieces of clothing for establishments such as restaurants, small hotels or hostels. They can be positioned where space is particularly limited and have hardly any installation requirements (only connection to the mains), as they do not need any kind of extraction or connection.
● Compact flatwork ironers: these are designed to provide the highest possible performance and productivity with maximum savings of time and energy efficiency. The new radiant burner gas-heated models increase energy efficiency and increase production by 25% when compared to an ironer with an atmospheric gas burner. Moreover, they allow for significant savings in space as they can iron up to 290 kg/hour in less than 27 metres squared. Thanks to the 3.300 roller, it is now possible to iron and fold pieces of laundry up to 3.300 x 3.300 mm.
Commitment to energy efficiency
Fagor Industrial's new laundry products demonstrate a strong commitment to the environment. All the high revolution washer extractors come with the option of an efficient system called Auto Weight. This achieves savings of up to 30% by automatically adjusting water, detergent and energy consumption according to the load of clothing introduced, which is measured automatically by the washer extractor. All the washer extractors also have the option of managing three tanks of water. The water from the last rinses is taken to these tanks via a second drainage route, making this water available for use later in the next pre-wash and wash cycles. This achieves water saving figures of 70%.
In the field of dryers, Fagor Industrial has created a revolutionary hot air recirculation system (Green Flow System), which introduces the hot air expelled by the steam outlet back into the drum, with the dual goal of achieving maximum energy savings and simultaneously increasing the flow of air in the drum. This innovative system patented by the company consists of regulating the flow of reused air according to humidity, for which two other patented systems are also necessary: intelligent drying (iDRY) and the total air flow system (Total Flow). All this makes this range of dryers the most efficient on the market.
The ironers are designed to provide the highest performance and productivity with really outstanding energy efficiency and timesaving. Their simple working means that maintenance costs are practically non-existent.
"With this new launch, Fagor Industrial has made a giant leap forward over the whole of the laundry catalogue. Not only have we done this in design, but we have also carried out a complete renovation with new capabilities and, as always, by following our key principle of being committed to energy efficiency and respect for the environment", states Ion Sotil, Product Manager at ONNERA Group.