Fagor Industrial launches new microsite for ADVANCE range of ovens


Oñati, Guipúzcoa, 15 April 2013. Fagor Industrial, a leading Spanish company in integral solutions for the hotel and catering, and laundry industries, has created a new microsite containing more detailed and precise information about their star product, the ADVANCE ovens.

Access to the new Fagor Industrial portal is via the company's corporate Web site, clicking on the main banner, or from the url: http://www.fagorindustrial.com/hornosadvance/en/. This Web site is available in Spanish and English, and offers information about the new generation of ADVANCE ovens and its three ranges: ADVANCE PLUS, ADVANCE AND CONCEPT.

The new space takes flexibility as its main theme, presenting the 30 models of ADVANCE oven as products which will adapt to any need or space. The site contains information about the basic functions and the benefits of each series, together with the services offered by Fagor Industrial, with respect to software and maintenance. In addition, pictures and catalogues containing the technical specifications for each product can be downloaded from the microsite.


The space has been designed as an information portal, and in the near future we will include new multimedia content such as videos and tutorials of the products.